AEMA was found in 2002 is a specialized firm in giving solutions to the integral water cycle, with strategically located Delegations in Spain that allow to cover the whole national territory.
Currently, AEMA belongs to GRUPO AEMA which involves other three companies: Laboratorios Alfaro S.L.U., Aguas Rioja Medioambiente S.L.U and Grupo Aguas Alfaro S.L.
GRUPO AEMA’s main activity is the Design, Installation, Staging, Management and Maintenance of water treatment turnkey installations, both industrial and urban; as well as ancillary services to them (Process Waters, Legionella Control, Urban Networks Management, Chemicals Supply, Waste Management, Renewable Energies, Analytical Control, Discharge Inspections, etc.).
His experience in the water treatment sector is backed up by a qualified team of more than 130 professionals (mainly technical graduates in chemistry, biology and engineering), in high cohesive departments (Engineering, Production, Installation, Water Processing, Operation and Maintenance, R & D, Marketing…) besides, counts on the assistance of an Accredited Laboratory to ensure the quality of designs and installations.
The AEMA´s certifications of Quality Management (ISO 9001), Environmental Management (ISO 14001), the Safety and Health at work (OHSAS 18001) and the recognition of the Quality Excellence according to the EFQM model, as well as Laboratorios Alfaro´s certification by ENAC of both as Inspection Entity in the field of wastewater (ISO 17020) and testing laboratory (ISO 17025) guarantee the high level of services provided by GRUPO AEMA and customer satisfaction.
GRUPO AEMA recognizes the importance and need for technological innovation, and we are firmly committed to the promotion of Research and Development of new technologies and processes because we belive that it is our engine and our future. In this way GRUPO AEMA has carried out more than 30 R&D projects since 2005 at regional, national and European level both in 7th Framwork Programme (AD-WINE, PHASEPLIT), H2020 (Multi-AD Feasibility) and Eureka-Eurostars (BIOMONT, ULTRACLEAN).
For more information you could review our webpage: www.aemaservicios.com