Project title:
Dry anaerobic digestion as an alternative management & treatment solution for sewage sludge.
LIFE Code:
LIFE14 ENV/ES/000524
Short description:
The main objective of LIFE-ANADRY is to assess Dry Anaerobic Digestion
(AD) technology under thermophilic (55°C) and mesophilic (35°C)
conditions as a more effective treatment method for the sewage
sludge produced in WWTPs.
The abovementioned process offers a vast improvement in terms of
effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and sustainability over other methods
for sludge treatment in small to medium-size WWTPs. The process will
• Enhancement of biogas production with a concomitant
reduction in energy use
• Reduction of the operating costs in the WWTPs
• Sludge stabilisation and hygienisation
• Reduction of carbon emissions due to the minimisation of the
use of inorganic fertilisers (recycling sludge as fertiliser)
• Comprehensive data that supports the attractiveness of the
technique for full-scale application
El principal objetivo de LIFE-ANADRY es evaluar la tecnología de
Digestión Anaerobia Seca (DA) en condiciones termófilas (55°C) y
mesófilas (35°C) como un proceso eficaz de tratamiento de lodos de
El proceso ofrece mejoras en eficacia térmica, rentabilidad y
sostenibilidad con respecto a otros tratamientos de lodos en EDAR de tamaño pequeño a mediano. El proceso ofrecerá:
• Mejora de la producción de biogás con una reducción
concomitante en el uso de energía
• Reducción de los costes operativos en las EDAR
• Estabilización e higienización de lodos
• Reducción de las emisiones de carbono debido a la
minimización del uso de fertilizantes inorgánicos (reciclaje de lodos como fertilizante)
• Datos completos que respaldan el atractivo de la técnica
para su aplicación a gran escala.
Project title:
Modelling, Measurement and Improvement of the water management environmental impact in the food Industry.
LIFE Code:
LIFE15 ENV/ES/000379
Short description:
The main objective of the MCUBO Project is to minimize the environmental impact related to water management in the subsectors with the highest water consumption (meat, juices and canned vegetables) through an effective demonstration, at 3 industrial plants, of an integral management system based on:
- The implementation of a new low-cost wireless monitoring technology, Plug&Lean system.
- Detailed modeling of the sub-sectors´ processes, that will serve to propose improvement actions and demonstrate its effectiveness before being implemented (easing the decision making and minimizing risks).
- Specific water management implementation on continuous improvement process in the three demonstrators companies.
El objetivo principal del proyecto MCUBO es reducir el impacto
ambiental asociado a la gestión del agua en los 3 subsectores que
más agua consumen de la industria alimentaria (cárnicas, conservas
vegetales y zumos) mediante la demostración efectiva en 3 plantas
industriales de un sistema integral de gestión basado en:
• La implementación de novedosas tecnologías
de monitorización inalámbrica de bajo coste, el sistema
• La modelización de detalle de los procesos típicos de cada sub-sector, que permitan plantear acciones de mejora y demostrar su efectividad previa a ser implantadas, mediant
la simulación de escenarios (facilitando la toma de decisiones y reduciendo riesgos)
• La integración específica de la gestión del agua en los
procesos de mejora continua de las Tres empresas
Project title:
Adding sustainability to the fruit and vegetable processing industry through solar-powered algal wastewater treatment.
LIFE Code:
LIFE16 ENV/ES/000180
Short description:
The LIFE ALGAECAN project proposes a sustainable treatment model of fruit and vegetable processing effluents that combines cost-effective heterotrophic microalgae cultivation with spray drying of the collected microalgae to obtain a product of commercial interest as raw material for the production of biofertilisers and animal feed. This system is placed in two containers for easy transportation and the energy used in the process is 100% from renewable energy (solar and biomass).
Treatment of wastewater from the agro-food
Lidia Garrote
Project title:
Tecnología de cultivo de Lemna para mejorar
la gestión de nutrientes en
sistemas de producción porcina
LIFE Code:
LIFE15 ENV/ES/000382
Short description:
El objetivo del proyecto LIFE LEMNA es demostrar la viabilidad técnica y la sostenibilidad de un sistema de recuperación y reciclado de nutrientes en purines porcinos basado en el cultivo de lenteja de agua (Lemna)
La lenteja de agua, también llamada lemna, una planta acuática de rápido crecimiento con una gran capacidad para absorber nitrógeno y fósforo. Como resultado de este tratamiento se obtiene una biomasa vegetal rica en proteína que se utiliza como materia prima para la producción de biofertilizantes/bioestimulantes y como sustituto de otras proteínas vegetales en piensos de porcino.
The main objective of LIFE LEMNA Project is to demostrate the technical feasibility and sustainability of a system for nutrient recovery from the anaerobic digested swine manure based on the production of duckweed
Duckweed, also called water lentil or lemna, is a fast-growing aquatic plant with a great capacity for nitrogen and phosphorus absorption. The result of this treatment is a protein-rich vegetable biomass used as raw
material for the production of bio-fertilisers/biostimulants and as a substitute for other vegetable proteins in pig feed.
Synergy with life multi-ad:
La tecnología propuesta por LIFE LEMNA podría aplicarse como sistema sostenible para la recuperación de nutrientes de digeridos anaerobios las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES) del sector agroalimentario.
Alfredo Rodrigo
Project title:
Pilot operation of innovative Photo-catalytic Nanofiltration technology for pollutant removal and water re-use of Agro-industrial effluents.
LIFE Code:
LIFE17 ENV/GR/000387
Short description:
The key objectives of the LIFE17 ENV/GR/000387 LIFE PureAgroH2O project is to develop and demonstrate, at industrial scale, a novel purification system for the sustainable management of the end-of-the-pipe wastewater effluents generated in fruit & vegetable industry, the prevention of losses of various inorganic and organic contaminants to the environment and the recycle/reuse of the purified water. To achieve the objectives, a close-to- market, patented water purification system with the ability to effectively recycle 15 m3/day of agro-wastewater will be developed, demonstrated and commercialized in Greece. In addition, a second PNFR will be tested in Spain. The PNFR technology/reactor, integrates synergistically effective micropollutant abatement technologies such as photocatalysis (P) and nanofiltration (NF), in one smartly designed membrane reactor (R) module-PNFR that will retrofit a Fruit & Vegetable Processing Industry for mainly pesticides removal.
Synergy with life multi-ad:
Proposals for holistic approaches to wastewater treatment for the Food Industry.
Dr Emilia Markellou (Coordinator)
Tel: 0030 2108180329
Eleni Ioannou (Scientific Secretary)
Tel: 0030 2108180329
Project title:
Synergic TPAD and O3 process in WWTPs for Resource Efficient waste management.
LIFE Code:
LIFE15 ENV/ES/000379
Short description:
The main objective of the STO3RE Project is to implement an innovative and cost-efficient technology, which are capable to conversion of manure and sludge from waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) into a high environmental quality biofertiliser.
The technology is called CavO3+DAG-TPAD (dual acid-gas
temperature phased anaerobic digestion configuration coupled with
ozone oxidation and hydrothermal cavitation).
STO3RE tests this technology in a newly-developed demonstration plant that will centralise the treatment of secondary sludge from small WWTPs and
cattle manure from surrounding farms. The facility will be located in
Totana (Murcia, Spain) and be able to deal with sewage sludge from
five surrounding WWTPs and several farms, covering an area of about
2,700 square kilometres. The total amount of sewage sludge treated in
the demonstration plant is expected to reach 5-10 cubic metres of
mixed substrate per day.
El objetivo principal del proyecto Proyecto STO3RE es implementar
una tecnología innovadora y rentable, que sea capaz de convertir el
estiércol y lodos de las plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales
(EDAR) en un biofertilizante de alta calidad ambiental.
La tecnología se llama CavO3+DAG-TPAD (configuración de digestión
anaeróbica en fase de temperatura de doble ácido-gas junto con
oxidación por ozono y cavitación hidrotermal). STO3RE prueba esta
tecnología en una planta de demostración recientemente
desarrollada que centralizará el tratamiento de lodos secundarios de
pequeñas EDAR y estiércol de ganado de las granjas circundantes. La
instalación estará ubicada en Totana (Murcia, España) y podrá tratar
los lodos de depuradora de cinco EDAR circundantes y varias granjas,
con una superficie de unos 2.700 kilómetros cuadrados. Se espera que
la cantidad total de lodos de depuradora tratados en la planta de
demostración alcance los 5-10 metros cúbicos de sustrato mixto por
Project title:
Innovative Circular Businesses on Energy, Water, Fertilizer & Construction Industries towards a Greener Regional Economy.
LIFE Code:
LIFE14 ENV/ES/000688
he main objective of LIFE iCirBus-4Industries project is to demonstrate
the use of fly ash from forest biomass power plants as an adsorbent
agent for heavy metals and other organic materials in sewage sludge.
This will make the sludge suitable for the production of low-impact
fertiliser. In a second stage, the project demonstrates the viability of a
further use in recyclable construction materials of the used biomass
that contains heavy metals and organic pollutants from sewage
The project characterizes the sewage sludge and the forest biomass fly
ash. Then, the two-phase sludge treatment to reduce the presence of
heavy metals and other contaminants will be validated at laboratory
scale. The project scales up the process in a prototype sewage
treatment plant with a capacity of 100 kg/hour of clean sludge.
Overall, the project expects to produce:
• 500 kg of low impact fertiliser; and
• 17 000 kg of recyclable construction materials.
El principal objetivo del proyecto LIFE iCirBus-4Industries es demostrar el
uso de cenizas volantes de centrales eléctricas de biomasa forestal
como agente adsorbente de metales pesados y otros materiales
orgánicos en lodos de depuradora. Esto hará que el lodo sea
adecuado para la producción de fertilizantes de bajo impacto. En
una segunda etapa, el proyecto demuestra la viabilidad de un uso
adicional en materiales de construcción reciclables de la biomasa
utilizada que contiene metales pesados y contaminantes orgánicos
de lodos de depuradora.
El proyecto caracteriza los lodos de depuradora y las cenizas volantes de biomasa forestal. Posteriormente, se validará a escala de
laboratorio el tratamiento de lodos en dos fases para reducir la
presencia de metales pesados y otros contaminantes. El proyecto
amplía el proceso en un prototipo de planta de tratamiento de aguas
residuales con una capacidad de 100 kg/hora de lodos limpios.
En general, el proyecto espera producir:
• 500 kg de fertilizante de bajo impacto; y
• 17,000 kg de materiales de construcción reciclables.
Project title:
Innovative combination of WWT Technologies for water reuse: anaerobic-aerobic, microalgae and AOP processes.
LIFE Code:
Short description:
Proyecto europeo de demostración innovador, cuyo objetivo es la
reutilización de las aguas residuales para su uso agrícola y la
recarga de acuíferos. Además, el proyecto busca proteger el
medio ambiente acuático contra la contaminación causada por
patógenos y microcontaminantes no eliminados por las plantas
convencionales de tratamiento de aguas residuales (EDAR).
Para ello, se implementará una tecnología con bajos requisitos
LIFE AMIA desarrollará un nuevo concepto de EDAR, innovador y
sostenible, combinando un tratamiento compacto anaerobioaerobio con un biorreactor de microalgas y un proceso de
adsorción-oxidación avanzada (POA). El nuevo concepto de
EDAR permitirá la recuperación de nutrientes por medio de las
microalgas y reducirá el consumo neto de energía, contribuyendo
con ello a minimizar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero
An innovative demonstration European project that aims to reuse
wastewater for agricultural practices and aquifer recharge.
This project will protect the aquatic environment against the
pollution associated with pathogens and micropollutants that are
not removed in conventional wastewater treatment plants (WWTP)
and will implement a technology with low energetic demands.
LIFE AMIA will develop an innovative and sustainable WWTP
concept combining compact anaerobic-aerobic treatment, a
microalgae bioreactor and advanced adsorption-oxidation
process (AOP). The novel WWTP layout will allow nutrient recovery
through microalgae cultivation and will reduce the net energy
consumption, mitigating the greenhouse gas emissions.
Elena Zuriaga Agustí
Tel: 0034 647 451 670
Project E-mail:
Sociedad Fomento Agrícola Castellonense.
Av. Del Mar 53
12003 Castellón – ESPAÑA
T. +34 964 255 063
Project title:
Enhanced Nitrogen and phosphorus Recovery from wastewater and Integration in the value Chain
LIFE Code:
LIFE16 ENV/ES/000375
Short description:
ENRICH project will contribute to circular economy through the
recovery of nutrients from WasteWater Treatment Plants (WWTPs)
and its valorization in agriculture (either direct use on crops or
through the fertilizer industry). ENRICH will tackle this value chain
by developing a new treatment train that will be designed, built
and operated in an urban WWTP. The products obtained will be
mixed in order to find optimal mixtures and the agronomic
properties of these products will be validated at full-scale through
field tests in order to ensure the viability of the products obtained.
Moreover, a business model of the whole value chain will be
defined, involving several partners from different sectors, in order
to ensure the replicability in other case studies or other EU regions.
Social Media:
Adriana L. Romero Lestido
Project Manager at CETAQUA, Water Technology Center
Biofactory & Resource Recovery Area
Mobile: +34 669758428
e-mail :
Project title:
REcovery and REcycling of nutrients TURNing wasteWATER into added-value products for a circular economy in agriculture
Short description:
Water2REturn is an Innovation Action co-funded by the European Commission under its Horizon 2020 (H2020) programme. It is coordinated by BIOAZUL company (Malaga, Spain) and is focused on the recovery and recycling of nutrients from slaughterhouses wastewater in the framework of a Circular Economy model. Nutrients recovered are turned into value added products for the agro-chemical industry and, consequently, for the agricultural sector.
Water2REturn constitutes an integrated solution for slaughterhouse wastewater treatment, as well as for the recovery of nutrients with high market value in the agricultural sector. This Circular Economy approach turns wastewater treatment facilities into “bio-refineries”.
The demonstration site is a real working slaughterhouse called “Matadero del Sur”, located in Salteras, near Seville (Spain). The treatment capacity of the system is 50 m3 per day (out of the 150 m3 of the slaughterhouse’s daily flow).
The project outputs are:
- Wastewater treatment: 1 integrated treatment + nutrients & energy recovery system divided into 3 separated process units (water line, sludge line, algae line) + energy recovery module.
- Secondary raw materials: Nutrients concentrate, hydrolysed sludge and algal biomass.
- Agronomic products: 1 fertiliser and 2 biostimulants, that will enhance nutrition efficiency, abiotic stress tolerance and/or crop quality traits.
Social media:
Twitter: @Water2REturn
LinkedIn: @Water2REturn
YouTube: Water2REturn
Project Coordinator: Pilar Zapata Aranda
Senior Project Manager at BIOAZUL S.L. company (Malaga, Spain)
Project title:
Short description:
The INBEC Project aims to promote a sustainable economy by increasing competitiveness in sectors where:
Identify existing resources in the regional sector of the Bioeconomy and Circular Economy and encourage the development of R & D projects and cross-border cooperation.
Encourage the creation of new industries and economic activities and the diversification of productive activities, based on the transformation of biological resources.
Maximize the potential of the Bioeconomy and Circular Economy.
+34 983 324438 / +34 983 324243

Project title:
Short description:
The project has demonstrated the effectiveness of biofilm technologies in treating biodegradable wastewater. These technologies have been successfully applied in different cases, promoting the development of aerobic granules in a sequential biological reactor and combining suspended and attached growth in a hybrid bioreactor. In addition to the canning industry, these technologies are suitable for treating effluents from the dairy, food, and beverage industries.
Project title:
Modelling tool for giving value to agri-food residual streams in bio-based industries
Short description:
Model2Bio will develop a predictive model to help identify, select and reuse organic waste streams. The model will specifically cover stream composition, volume and transformation as well as logistics and business cases. The project started in May 2020 and will run until October 2023.
Social media:
+34 943 212 800 / Ext. 2393
Organic matter valorisation
Project title:
Short description:
Social media:
Project title:
Short description:
DRY4GAS is a demonstrative project that proposes an environmentally sustainable technology solution for the management and reuse of sewage sludge generated in a WWTP.
In the project framework, a prototype integrated by a solar dryer, a gasification plant, a gas burner and an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) will be developed, as energy valorization process with the production of 120 MWh/year. In addition, the project proposes an alternative agricultural valorization method of the sludge by evaluating the reuse of gasification ashes mixed with sewage sludge for improving sludge quality as an organic amendment and analyzing the associated effects on soil.
The main objective of the DRY4GAS project is to reduce the environmental impact associated to the conventional management of sludge from a WWTP by implementing the proposed solution in an operating WWTP located in San Javier (Murcia, Spain). The results obtained during the project will demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed technology in a real operating WWTP. Furthermore, a replicability plan will be defined in order to applicate the project solution in other WWTPs or in other similar applications.
Phone: 913466000
Fax: 913466480
Project title:
Short description:
The tool developed in LIFE-ECOdigestion 2.0 will enable to control of on-demand biogas production in digesters that treat sewage sludge, food waste and/or manure, achieving the following objectives:
1) on demand biogas production at full scale
2) increase biogas production by the use of co-substrates
3) control of anaerobic digestion, maintaining process stability
4) economic management, considering the cost of co-substrates and the potential biogas that can be produced
5) calculation and correction of biochemical methane production during the operation (important to manage the co-substrate to be added)
6) simulation of co-digestion before the addition of co-substrate to the digester
7) stability management that enables the addition of a buffer in the event of a drop in pH.
By achieving these, ECOdigestion 2.0 will be the most versatile digestion control tool on the market.
Firstly, the experimentation will be carried out in a pilot plant located in the Quart-Benàger WWTP (Valencia, Spain) and later a first full-scale experience will be performed in the digesters of this WWTP. This will be replicated at the Coimbrão WWTP, located in the Leiria region (Portugal).
Social media: